An ongoing journal of the re training of my young OTTB Moose and the daily adventures in my life with my horses!

Monday, March 14, 2011

More Transitions Please!

The title says it all. Moose and I have been working a lot on, you guessed it, transitions! His upward transitions aren't bad, as a matter of fact they are pretty nice but coming back down is a whole nother story! He isn't terrible by any means but we have a lot to work on. I took a "lesson" on him from the lady who normally has me ride her finished English horse and she gave me a lot of good pointers. He wants to brace a little when I ask him to slow down and loses all impulsion. At first she just had me sit deep in the saddle and ask him to stop completely off my seat alone without changing the reins. After a couple of times he started slowing immediately after I gave him the cue with my seat!! I praised him a lavishly! After that I started bringing my legs and reins back into the equation and he was responding much nicer. We worked on that almost the entire time yesterday and didn't do any jumping which is fine. The flat work is more important at this point.

I also rode him on Friday and we did a little bit of jumping but mostly flat work and than finished off with a nice trail to let him relax. Later today I plan on riding him and maybe doing some jumping. I want to jump him enough that he becomes used to it and comfortable in the work but no so much as to sour him. So far he enjoys every second of it and definetly seems to prefer it over everything else. I am glad he enjoys it, it's always nice to have a horse who loves their job! If I ride later I will get my friend to get pics and maybe videos so stay tuned! I will also do an update on my other two beasties =)

On another note I am trying to get him to gain weight again. I had started feeding him just once a day when I wasn't riding as much but I am going to go back to twice a day. He seems to lose weight so quickly. He doesn't look bad by any means and I know a lot of athletic Thoroughbreds look lean but he is still not quite where I want him to be. He is definetly a hard keeper where my other two are fatties! haha The feed I use is great though so, that and the corn oil and he should pick up quickly. He also has pasture and free choice hay.

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