An ongoing journal of the re training of my young OTTB Moose and the daily adventures in my life with my horses!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Moose is Back and Race Day!!

My wonderful, amazing, clumsy Moose was back yesterday!!! I know, I know. Everyone is thinking 'Back from where...?!' Well on Thursday I decided to ride Moose because I hadn't actually rode him since Sunday. Right from the time I got on I knew something was wrong. he was nervous and bobbing his head a lot and prancy. The weather was chilly and windy so I figured that was it. I let him trot out a lot of his energy before I asked him to do anything. Even after twenty minutes of trotting he hadn't chilled at all. He was fighting everything and pulling like a freight train. He has NEVER been like that before. He would not put his head down or go long and low for nothing. It seemed like every time we tried he bobbed his head and threw it back up. I was very discouraged thinking we were back to square one...but WHY?!?
Than it dawned on me. He had gotten shots on Wednesday so I wondered if he was just sore. I had given him wed off and Thurs when I brushed him he showed no indication of soreness, nor when I ran my hands up and down his neck. No swelling or lumps or bumps. Hmmmmmm, but still I knew he had to be hurting. He was never like this. I know good and well there will be bad days and good days and he (nor I) will ever be perfect or always good but this was like night and day! We went back to a walk and just got him to relax at a walk than I dismounted. Didn't ask for anything else. I was a little discouraged even though I was 99% sure it was the shots so I sent a message to my trainer. She replied saying she thought it was probably the shots too and to rub him down good and try again Friday or the next day. Well I knew I wouldn't be able to today because I have a race so yesterday I pulled him up and decided to try again. I stretched him and warmed up good and decided if he was sore I would stop and dismount until Sunday or Monday. Right off the bat I could tell he was feeling better. He did everything I asked perfectly and was just as light and soft as always. I knew he had to be sore because it's just not him in to fight for no reason. He is a really laid back 'ok whatever you want' kinda guy! LOL I set up a few small cross rails and let him jump (which he loves) and than did some ground poles and called it a day. I'm so relieved he is feeling better. He gets today off, I will just feed and groom him, and than Sunday we will ride.
On a different note I have a barrel race today but I am likely only taking Riley. With shots being this week I am a little financially drained but also there is some stuff I want to work on with her at home before the next show. She is starting to respond better to my body and voice cue to rate but not as good as I'd like.  You really have to get into her more than I should have to, to slow her down. Last night we practiced at a trot and canter for a while and than did one run. The run was better than the last time we practiced but we still have a way to go. I know she will probably never be as 'ratey' as Riley but I just want her to be able to rater herself more naturally when I give her the cue without having to slow her down with my reins a lot first. Either way, wish us luck today and I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!

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