An ongoing journal of the re training of my young OTTB Moose and the daily adventures in my life with my horses!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Moose's lesson and Rileys birthday

Moose and I had our first "jumping" session last night! It was sooooo much fun! He did so good and I am so proud of him!!! <3 We started off as usual warming him up at a good trot. I just posted and let him work out all his energy. Didn't ask him to do anything. He always eventually calms down and comes back into my hand. He's a complete train wreck if I don't let him burn the energy first. Lol. Once I started asking him to relax and go "long and low" and he did just fine. We worked on getting him to stretch all the way down at a walk and than level at a trot. He's learning so fast and going so well. He is starting to build muscle and become stronger and more consistent with his head and contact. A lot of it has to do with me. Sometimes I still get stuck with "Western" hands and my reins too long. We are learning together! At the canter he did really well also. A couple of times he would brace and want to run off but I would just hold him at a full halt and than immediate release when he softened. I had to bump him a lot with my calves to keep his hind end under him but he was trying hard. He still gives me trouble about picking up his right lead but we always eventually get it. I just have to really pick his shoulder up and ask him with precise timing. Being OTTB he is so used to just loping on his left lead I guess. Either way, he is getting it.
At the end we finally did some jumping and he did AWESOME! I was so excited! I did terrible though. It was a tiny cross rail. We walked him over it a few times, than would walk up to it THEN pick up to a trot over it because he would get too hot. He really enjoyed it and at first was a little clumsy stepping all over it but towards the end was really hunting it and jumping well. He has a powerful take off that even such a small jump made me a little off balance. I REALLY have to work on my position and balance off the jumps like standing in the saddle or "2 point" I believe it is called. The jumping saddle I have is verrry flat and makes it more difficult for me so my trainer is bringing her dressage\jumping all around saddle next time for me to try. She got on him and took him over a few jumps and with her he looked amazing. She said he really seems to enjoy it and she thinks he is gonna make a great dressage\jumping prospect. Only time will tell but I hope she's right. He is definitely a lot more relaxed and happy doing this than when we started attempting barrel racing haha

As for May and Riley they are doing well! I wanted to post the other day but never got the chance so HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY TO RILEY! He turned 13 (on Jan 19) and I cant believe it. Every other birthday was great but this one was a little bittersweet. Finally "in his teens" your kid graduating high school LOL Either way he got lots of love and horsey cake. It was his XTN feed with molasses frosting on top and carrots for candles. He really seemed to enjoy it :) I have been exercising them as usual to get ready for the Feb 12 race. There is a benefit race next weekend which I hope we get to attend but we will see. Might have to work :\ but that's life! Hope all is well in everyone else's equine world, and thanks for reading!

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