An ongoing journal of the re training of my young OTTB Moose and the daily adventures in my life with my horses!

Monday, January 17, 2011

All is well and a Photo to make up for Friday!

As the title says all is going pretty good right now. There isn't too much to talk about. I didn't get to take a lesson on Moose this week which sucked but I had to spend my money wisely and Riley was do for shoes. So he got a new pair of his light aluminum racing shoes :) He is soooo high maintenance! He has to have his new shoes or his shoes set every 4 weeks or he will pull one. His feet grow very fast but I'm just thankful he is sound and will do what it takes to keep it that way. May and Moose on the other hand are barefoot and get trimmed every 5-6 weeks.
So, we never got to do the lesson but yesterday I got to do an English lesson with one of my friends. I take lessons with two trainers. One I pay for the lessons (on Moose) the other I work her horses for her in return. It was a lot of fun and I'm really really loving the English. Western will always be my forte I think but I wouldn't mind doing English and maybe even, as I've said, competing with Moose. I like how close you feel to the horse in the English saddle. You can feel a lot in a Western saddle too, of course, if your a good rider and know what your feeling for, but in the English saddle you just feel a lot closer and everything almost feels amplified. Am I making sense...?! Probably not LOL but that's OK. Regardless, I am enjoying it greatly!
Moose is doing fantastic! Every time I ride him he does a little bit better. I still can't believe how far he has come. He is keeping his head "long and low" longer every time we ride and starting to 'search' for the contact. Plus his mouth is sooo soft. His canter is getting better too. When I first started cantering him it was rough and short strided. It was almost like he would pace on his back end as his legs stayed so close together. Like he was hopping, trying to push forward faster, its hard to explain. Now as he starts to relax he is engaging his hind end better and his canter has smoothed greatly and looks a lot nicer too. He is also riding better with other horses in the arena as long as they don't get too close. That still freaks him out. Sill Moosey.
Riley and May are doing great as well. I have been exercising them at least every other day. I try to switch it up a lot so they don't get bored. One day I might do lots and lots of slow and fast trotting and than the next, warm up good and than do more big, slow canter circles and work on picking up their shoulder and moving them in and out of the circle.  Sometimes we just go on trails and let them relax and sometimes we even ride up the road to the gas station and get drinks :D I think the variety is very good for them and part of the reason they don't get burned out.
So as you can see (hear? read? lol) it's all good and I am thankful! Now a picture as promised. It was from just the other day when I went out to get Riley and both him and May were laying down. May got up so I went and laid with Riley and got this quick pic.

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