An ongoing journal of the re training of my young OTTB Moose and the daily adventures in my life with my horses!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Yes I know I haven't posted in like....forever! Its been crazy here at the barn...but in a good way. I have finally decided what I want to do with Moose. I had been trying to schedule a lesson on him with a friend of mine but it kept getting rained out. We finally set one and were able to do it and Moose did GREAT! It was so nice to have someone point out all the things I was doing wrong so me and Moose could work together better. I did the lesson English just for the fun of it. I had originally just wanted to see how he did. He really seemed to enjoy it and by the end of the lesson he was stretching long and low into the bridle at a walk and even a little at a trot. I could feel him really searching for the contact but staying light. He also started using his hind end a lot better as well and his short, nervous, choppy stride became a nice, relaxed, swinging stride. When we first started his back feet were landing directly behind where his front picked up but by the end of the lesson they were landing in front of his front feet! I took a second lesson on him a week later and he did great again. My trainer told me that she thought he had a lot of potential which made me very excited. At the beginning of the lessons I always just have to let him trot his energy out but once he gets out all the extra energy out he begins to focus and really tries hard. He keep his jaw soft and relaxed and is really getting over being so tense. My trainer, who we will call PR, said the more we work him like this and get him used to the routine, the more he will relax. He is also learning to relax at when he is tied up. He shakes his head and flips his lip and tongue when he gets anxious and even kicks in place. He has never kicked at me or anyone but just stands there and kicks when he is nervous. Almost like the equivalent of another horse pawing. Next lesson I will be sure to get pics so I can put them on here.

On the other side of things Riley and May are doing well. I have been exercising them regularly to try to get them in the best shape I can for the 2011 show season. They have stayed strong and sound and I'm very excited for the first race of the year next weekend! I'm hoping Riley can go in again and clock another 14! Hopefully this time though, I will keep up with him.  ;)
I will try to post again sometime soon. I haven't even been able to do my Photo Fridays as it's been so busy but I promise that will change. If there is anything, anyone else wants to hear about or know just let me know in the comments. I'm all ears!

Hope all of you have a blessed 2011 and may all your dreams and wishes come true! :)


  1. Thats awsome Summer! My horse is not being very good:(

  2. Sorry to hear that girl! What is he\she doing? Hope they get better soon! :)
