An ongoing journal of the re training of my young OTTB Moose and the daily adventures in my life with my horses!

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 8, Barrel Race Recap and Moosey Update!

OK so I didn't get pictures....My best friend whose dad was supposed to bring his camera, didn't end up getting to come. Another friend took some pictures and said he would email them to me but hasn't yet...So as soon as I get those I will upload them.
I also had some pics of Moose I had taken on my phone that I wanted to upload but my phone finally bit it and I had to get a new one. I lost ALL my pictures, videos, and contacts :( Still its not the end of the world and at least I got a new phone quickly and it didn't put too big of a dent in my wallet!
Moose did great at his last lesson. I was so proud of him. He is coming along very nicely. It had been a  pretty bumpy start but its really starting to smooth out. I figured it would take much longer, and we do have a long way to go, but he is learning fast and I'm thrilled with the progress. A couple of days after the lesson I even took him in the arena and worked him while a lot of other people were riding in there (which as I have said before usually unsettles him and makes him VERY anxious ands flighty) and he acted wonderful! I let him trot out all his energy on a loose rein and after a while he came back into my hands and was looking for the contact. He is learning to follow my hands and remain "long and low" a little bit longer every time I ask. He is also starting to build up his top line which of course makes it easier for him to collect.  I know I'm getting way ahead of myself but I'm already thinking about perhaps showing him in the future in just little local shows for the fun of it and for experience for both of us. Other than barrel racing, the only other events I have competed in are competitive trail. All in all I'm pretty excited :)

Now for the barrel race. It went fairly well. It wasn't as fantastic as the previous show where Riley clocked a 14.7 but they both ran consistent and clean which is most important to me. I fell in the crack on Riley between the 1D and 2D and on May between 3 and 4D but that's OK. You cant place every show and the infamous "crack" gets us all from time to time. Sometimes pretty frequently! LOL Riley ran a 15.6 in Adult and a 15.5 in Open while May ran a 16.5 in Adult and 16.4 in Open. I was very proud of both of them. They never refuse and always go in and try hard and for that I'm always grateful! :)
I guess that is all for now! I will try to have pictures up later this week and maybe get a chance to do the second Photo Friday like I keep promising! Thanks for staying tuned and I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

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