An ongoing journal of the re training of my young OTTB Moose and the daily adventures in my life with my horses!

Friday, October 22, 2010

More trotting...

So I never got to ride May. I ended up having to go with my coach to look at a walking horse he was interested in. He's an older guy and prefers gaited horses. More comfortable for his back. I am his "test dummy" so to speak lol and try out all the horses we go to look at. So far I haven't had to ride too many crazies. The walking horse was pretty nice. REALLY smooth but wasn't in great health. I didn't ride him long and the only area we had to ride was a round pen. He was ribby with a pot belly so I bet he could use some dewormer and good quality hay! He also had pretty bad feet but he was sound and I don't think it was anything our awesome farrier couldn't fix over time. By the time we got back it was 7:00 and I still had to feed Moose and all the older horses who eat twice a day but I am definitely gonna ride May today. I would like to ride her, Moose and Riley but Ill just have to see how the day unfolds.
As for when I rode, Moose he did great! We warmed up again much like we did on Wed and than worked on his trot again. He did even better this time than last time. Every time I have ridden him so far he has improved. It might be by a lot or by the tiniest bit but at least we are going forward! The first time we trotted he did good but did what I like to call the "stick shift" trot. He would lurch forward into a fast trot than slow down just as quickly. I had to be very careful and controlled with my seat and hands so as not to confuse him. We finally got into a rhythm but there for a while it reminded me of the first time I tried to drive my mom's manual jeep up a huge hill that had a stop sign halfway up. Hence the 'stick shift trot'! lol
This time when we trotted he was much more even right from the start. He went right into an easy jog when I clicked and would hold it pretty well without drastically speeding up or slowing down.  He also carried his head very nicely and spent much less time with his nose in the air. I only rode him for about 20 minutes but I would rather make an improvement and than end on a good note than keep pushing him for more and frustrate him. I am working hard to keep the riding as positive and enjoyable as possible. I don't want him to develop an anxieties under saddle.  I'm about to go feed now than start riding. I will post later on how everyone does.

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