An ongoing journal of the re training of my young OTTB Moose and the daily adventures in my life with my horses!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Race Recap!

Finally I will post about the December 4 show.....It.was.AWESOME! Seriously, the last show of the year and probably the best! And to think I ALMOST didn't take Riley. He had been kicked in the hock on that Wed but was sound and it was a tiny cut but the next day it was a little swollen. I immediately hosed and iced it and gave him a gram of bute and prayed my brains out. The following day it was STILL swollen so I started fretting a little bit. I gave him a gram of bute in the morn and hosed and iced than again that night. I decided that if the swelling was down I would take him, if it wasn't, I would just take May. Saturday morning he was still just as sound and fresh and almost all of the swelling was down. I decided to take him and just see how he did. He warmed up fine, better than fine actually! He was VERY hyper and on the ball. He was ready to run. The new supplement I had put him on (Platinum Performance) seemed to give him more energy. As I took him in for our run in Adult I could just feel it was gonna be good. We have had a show the last three weekends and the more we show the harder he runs. I took him in the chute and he pranced and hopped and sideways cantered until he locked onto the first barrel. Than he did his mini rear and we were off! WE RAN A 14.7!!!! I almost passed out! His fastest time ever and it was beautiful. We placed in the 1D and I was so beyond proud of him. I pulled his boots and hosed his legs and noticed ALL the swelling was down. Awesome! My second run on Riley....hahaha I almost fell off! =P He, as I said, was very hot and ahead of the game and me! We cranked around first and second but he got ahead of me coming into third and I lost my stirrup so when he went to turn I almost flew off. He just about stopped dead, I righted myself in the saddle, than we booked it out and STILL pulled off a 15.2! I was shocked. The fact that he slowed and waited for me was more important than the fast time. He is the best horse I could ask for and I love him more than life itself! My friends dad took his camera so we got some great shots of our run and even a few of me almost falling off!!!  Not exactly the order I wanted them in but you get the idea! LOL The bottom 2 are of our first run the 14.7! The top two are from our 15.2! Enjoy! 

May also did very well at the show! Sadly I have no pics of her. It was a new camera for her dad so by the time he figured it out I had already done both of May's runs =\ It sucks but its ok! Next time we will get some. Her first run was a 16.0. She ran fairly well but went a little deep into first. She still placed in the top of the 3D. Her second run was a 15.6! Good girl May!! I'm so proud of both of my horses! They continue to get better and always try so hard for me! I can't wait to REALLY get May going. She is running about 3\4 speed right now and I'm not pushing her like I push Riley. I just let her run so I'm excited to see how her times drop when we really get our timing together and run full tilt.

The weather here is MISERABLE! Cold and WINDY and wet! I hate it but at least the rain is over so the arena should be dry by tomorrow! I plan to ride Moose and work May and Riley so I will TRY to post tomorrow on how he is doing and have a few pictures! Hope everyone has a good remainder of their day and a happy Monday....if there is such a thing! haha


  1. 14.7?! Not bad! And nice save, by the way!

  2. Thanks! I tell you he SAVED my butt! Maybe I SHOULD start holding the horn :P;) haha jk but if he hadnt slowed down to almost a complete stop I definetly would have fallen off!
