An ongoing journal of the re training of my young OTTB Moose and the daily adventures in my life with my horses!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Making Progress

Moose is getting better and better with every ride. Sometimes it feels like we take a step back and sometimes we take a step forward but we always end on a good note! He is becoming more and more relaxed and settling right into the routine. I still haven't been able to ride him as much as I would like. It's been really cold and rainy. I can deal with the cold but not cold and rain. Makes for a miserable ride and I really don't want pneumonia thanks! LOL Other days it wont be raining but it will have rained than got suuuper cold and the arena will be FROZEN and like an ice skating rink! Soo we have done ground work and I have just spent time with him feeding and grooming.

He is such a tolerant boy. A couple of times when I have been riding him he would refuse to back so I would just hold the reins steady, not yank or pull but just hold them until he softened and backed, even if it was only half a step. He never offered to rear or even crow hop and he has yet to buck. He has swished his tail and tossed his head but never bucked. The last few times I have ridden him he has been hotter than normal and he gets nervous when other horses are around but he is learning and becoming calmer.On days I have patterned him I have ridden him in his snaffle and with a loose tie down. I'm not big into gadgets like tie downs but I believe they have their place and until he relaxes and sees that I'm not going to pull on his mouth or hurt one I will use one loosely. STILL can't decide whether I for sure want to put him on the pattern or go English or do both, but I'm leaning more and more towards patterning him and if he decides he doesn't like it I will just go English with him.  

On a seperate note I am going to start having "Photo Fridays" where I will upload a picture or two of one of my babies whether it be my doggy or one of the horses. I will have the first one this Friday so stay tuned.

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