An ongoing journal of the re training of my young OTTB Moose and the daily adventures in my life with my horses!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ready to race!

In two days we will be loading up and heading to Crawford arena for the three day IBRA race. I'm pumped and so are my horses. The weather has been a little nasty so I haven't been able to get in as much riding as I would like but, like Coach said, "Pretty much everyone in out district is having the same problem." Still I really would rather be riding right now....oh well.
I was supposed to have a lesson on Moose yesterday but *SHOCKER* it was rained out. SO at the time we tried to reschedule for today....well the rain never stopped so we wont be doing it today either. I'm going to reschedule the lesson for some time early next week. Moosey is doing good though and has put on a lot of weight and a lot of winter hair! It has been strangely warm this past week (temps in the upper 70's!) and so the horse have been pretty calm compared to the few weeks before when it was chilly. Upper 70's and thick, thick, winter coats just don't go together well. I might be taking Moose on a long trail ride tomorrow with some friends. We plan on hauling to one of our favorite places for a Thanksgiving ride. I chose to take him because I didn't want to ride Riley or May that hard before the show. As I have said before I always give them a few days off. Also I figured it would be good for Moose since the last few times under saddle he has been behaved but a little bit on the "hot head" side.  A nice, slow, relaxing trail ride would be the best thing for him.

May is doing good as well. Her tendon is cool and tight except for that one tiny spot. No bigger and no smaller. She is just and rambunctious as ever! I rode her English on Monday and it was a blast. Well I didn't technically ride her English but rather just put English tack on her and rode her for fun. She did pretty good and looked adorable! I had a blast. She wasn't as thrilled as you can see :P She has a knack for sticking out her tongue I think...

The Ri Man is doing great. My last post I talked about my decisions and debates with him. I'm still contemplating a lot but for now he is doing very good so we will continue with the original plan.
Had a good ride on him yesterday. He was HOT TO TROT which surprised me. Due to the weather he had been pretty laid back but he was all fired up yesterday. Maybe its a sign? lol I don't know. I just hope he maintains that attitude for the show this weekend. 
During the ride I basically just worked him on a loose rein and we did a lot of slow trotting followed by long trotting and of course some loping. We did a good bit of cantering just because he was so fired up and by the end of the ride he was all but lathered. I cooled him down really good and hosed him out and than groomed him for about an hour. Shouldn't have even bothered. He rolled RIGHT when I turned him out RIGHT in the mud....Oh Riley! The jokes on him though because last night it rained and rained and rained so this morning all the mud was washed off. :) I'm sure when I go get him though he will have rolled again and Ill have to spend another hour grooming him. Fine with me though. Nothing I enjoy more than spending time with my boy.


  1. Don't you just love how they always insist on getting dirt after they've just been groomed? LOL

  2. Yea let me tell ya! lol NEVER fails.... :)
