An ongoing journal of the re training of my young OTTB Moose and the daily adventures in my life with my horses!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Making Adjustments...

Both chiropractic and under saddle! Moosey got adjusted yesterday for the first time. At first he was a little apprehensive about it all.  He thought I was kidding.....
But afterwards he was one happy camper! He was a train wreck to say the least. I had figured he had never been adjusted in his life and what the chiropractor found pretty much confirmed it. He had his shoulder out, three lumbar, 2 thoracic and 1 cervical. She had me trot him before and after the adjustments so we could see the difference. He took it all like a champ other than being a little wiggle worm. He wasn't to thrilled about the cold blue lotion she used to massage him but after it warmed up and she started rubbing those sore muscles he started leaning into her hand and closing his eyes. He even started drooling a little! (nothing new for him though. I swear he drools like I have never seen...) When she was done and I fed him and turned him out he stood at the gate like "Wait!!! No more massages?! When can we do that again?!" 
Oh and by the way I don't have a nice, expensive, wonderful camera...I don't even have a camera period. Sooo please excuse my crappy phone pictures. Better than nothing right? :-)
This morning I rode Moose and he He wasn't bad at all just kind focus. I warmed him up really good on a loose rein just at a walk before I started asking him to get on the bit. We also did some lateral flexion as always and than I picked him up into a trot. He was lowering his head nicely and with just a little encouragement he began reaching under himself great and was really moving nice. He has a lovely headset but I know that's not what its all about. Collection comes from behind, engaging the hindquarters and I have seen some horse with lovely headsets that were completely on their forehand. Their rider was practically "carrying" their head for them.
After we trotted a good few laps I walked him for a little while to let him stretch and catch his breath (he is not in real good shape yet) before we went back to trotting. This is where he got a little distracted. I forgot about the new TWH in the side pasture and it was right than that he decided to come flying up to the gate whinnying at Moose. After that it took a little bit to get his focus back on me. He didn't do anything stupid but he just kept 'gravitating' towards the TWH and trying to watch him. "Rider? what rider?!"
I picked him up to a trot and we started doing lots of transitions from trot to walk and back to trot and changing directions a lot to get his attention back on me. Luckily it worked and we were back in the game. I am glad that he had to work with the distraction though because its good for him and he is going to have to learn to pay attention to me even when a lot is going on. Today I even did a few canter laps on him. He was very high headed in the canter but smooth and controlled. I kept my reins 'playful' and kept him moving with my legs and the instant he lowered his head a little and relaxed I woahed him and we called it a day. He was pretty sweaty and for the life of me, I could NOT get all the sweat off once he dried so I think I will hose him tomorrow (if it doesn't rain tonight...) after I ride him.  A little dirt doesn't bother me but I can get a little OCD when it comes to the care and grooming and well...everything with my horses! Call me the over anxious horse owner 2! lol There is even a joke around my barn about me calling the vet for everything but I would rather be safe than sorry and my horses are my world.
I also rode Riley today as well and am hoping to ride May later. I will post later on how they did\do as I don't have time right now. Just wanted to throw together a little post on how my big, sweet, Moose is doing.

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